Saturday, August 21, 2010

Getting Ready

Exactly three weeks till my departure to South America. Finalizing some planning on the home front and trying not to stress too much about the packing and time apart from family and friends.  Just realized that my four year starts her first days of her new school on my first day in Santiago, Chile. I am very sad to miss her first day and yet at the same time there is something special that she and I are embarking on life changing events on the same day. One feminist finding her way and a pint sized feminsit beginning her journey.

Still looking for advise for anyone who has traveled for buisness for five weeks.  Tips?

1 comment:

  1. Oh cool, a blog! I still am not believing that you will be gone for so long.....I will miss our friday nights!!! But I am so excited for your adventure. Incredible.
